Workplace Discrimination

What To Do If You Experience Workplace Sexual Harassment

If you are a victim of workplace sexual harassment, know your rights and how you can take action.

The sexual harassment attorneys at Filippatos are committed to finding a compassionate, innovative, and successful solution that is right for you.

Hand held up in stop signal icon

Workplace sexual harassment is defined as any unwanted sexual conduct directed to an individual in the workplace by a colleague, subordinate, or supervisor.

If you experience workplace sexual harassment, here are some essential steps to follow:

  • If comfortable, confront your harasser. If you feel safe doing so, this is an important step in securing your right to a workplace free of harassment. Be clear and direct. It is important to note this should only be done if you do not feel you are putting yourself in a dangerous situation.
  • Report the harassment to the appropriate authority. Whether it be a supervisor, manager, or Human Resources, be sure to promptly report the unlawful behavior in writing and in accordance with your workplace’s protocol.
  • Keep record of continuing incidents of sexual harassment. Be sure to keep a specific and detailed record of all incidents of sexual harassment, as well as all complaints you have made. This history of documentation will be extremely helpful when pursuing justice.
  • Seek support both inside and outside of the workplace. It is important that you feel supported by those around you. Within the workplace, you may turn to management or Human Resources. Outside of the workplace, you may lean on your personal support system of friends, family, and mentors.
  • Know your rights. Be sure to know your rights and protections. You should understand that sexual harassment is prohibited in the workplace, and that various laws protect you from having to endure such reprehensible conduct at work.

What To Do if You Report and Nothing Happens

If you have exhausted all avenues within the workplace, you must turn to outside resources such as mental health, law enforcement, or legal professionals to address the situation as it becomes more serious.

If you would like to speak to an experienced sexual harassment attorney, please do not hesitate to contact us today. The sexual harassment attorneys at Filippatos PLLC are committed to finding a compassionate, innovative, and successful solution that is right for you.

File a Claim

You may also choose to file a claim with agencies such as the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the New York State Division of Human Rights, or the New York City Commission on Human Rights.

EEOC complaints typically have a 180-day deadline from the date of the last incident, but state agencies usually give people about three years to file. Complaints may be filed over the phone, online, or in person through a form. Remember, you are protected from retaliation from your employer even if the court dismisses the sexual harassment claim. It is best to consult with an experienced sexual harassment attorney before taking this ultimate step.

Speak with a New York Sexual Harassment Attorney Today

If you would like to speak to an experienced sexual harassment attorney, please do not hesitate to contact us today. We are committed to finding a compassionate, innovative, and successful solution that is right for you. Call Filippatos PLLC at 888-9-JOBLAW today to schedule a free consultation.